Fundermax’s weather-resistant Max Compact Exterior panels
High temperatures and strong sun in summer, freezing cold and increased humidity due to snow and rain in winter and autumn: the materials used for facades, balconies and outdoor furniture must be extremely resistant to weather conditions.
Max Compact panels for outdoor use can withstand all weather conditions and they are also quick and easy to install. They also offer plenty of freedom to realize even the most creative designs.
With a large selection of surfaces and decors, you will definitely find a design that will impress.
Sources of inspiration for exterior use with Max Compact Exterior
Max Compact Exterior panels are duromer high-pressure laminates (HPL) according to the EN 438-6 standard, type EDF. Their weather protection consists of double-hardened acrylic polyurethane resins. Moreover, quality F boards are classified as fire class B – s2, d0 or also B – s1, d0 according to EN 13501-1.
The use of Max Compact Authentic boards creates a particularly natural impression in general. Another specialty product from the Max Compact Exterior catalogue is the floor slab for the balcony. The Hexa surface makes the panels extremely anti-slip and weather-resistant.
Optics AND optics in combination? Then Fundermax offers the perfect solution with special Sky surface. In this surface structure, selected decors can be produced from ordinary as well as from material groups.
2800 x 1300; 2,0 – 13,0
4100 x 1300; 2,0 – 13,0
2800 x 1854; 2,0 – 13,0
4100 x 1854; 2,0 – 13,0
4100 x 1300; 8,0 / 10,0 / 12;0
4100 x 1854; 6,0 – 20,0 for decorations according to the delivery schedule.
2050×1854 i 2800×1300; 16,0 – 20,0 for decorations according to the Podio collection.
4100 x 1300; 6,0 / 8,0 / 10,0 / 12,0 / 13,0
4100 x 1300; 8,0 – 13,0 for selected decors.
The panels are classified in fire class B – s2, d0 according to EN 13501-1.
In addition, Fundermax m.look Exterior panels are classified according to EN 13501-1 class A2 – s1, d0.
Balcony and fence,
Outdoor furniture,
Roof coverings,
Sun protection elements,
External shutters.
Max Compact Exterior panels consist of nets of natural fibres (approx. 65% of the total weight) and are mainly made of wood that has been refined into “kraft paper”. Raw materials come from suppliers, certified according to FSC®-C101966 and PEFCTM standards, which guarantee sustainable forest management.